Thank you for signing up,

You have received valuable information that can assist you in your business’ growth. Download and read over this information and apply it in your business.

We will set scheduled times for you to have your consultation. Let your coach know the times you are available each week. As a business credit coach, it is my goal to empower you during your business credit building process and on strategies to help you succeed.
In order to achieve the results you deserve, you must do your part by following through on the commitments you make; these commitments include showing up for every scheduled coaching session and completing any action items that you have committed to between sessions.
We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Much like a doctor’s or dentist’s office, if you reschedule more than 24 hours in advance, everything proceeds as normal. If you need to reschedule less than 24 hours in advance, or worse case, you completely forget the call, the call will be considered a completed session and will be counted towards your consultation time.
Your coaching sessions are up to 30 minutes in length. To utilize your coaching to the fullest extent, make sure to call your coach promptly at the designated session time. If you call in late for your appointment, your session will still conclude at the original session completion time and will count as a completed session towards your plan.
The coaching is set up for you to call your coach at the telephone number 888-387-1117 or the number provided to you by your coach. This number is available 24/7. If the coach is not available when you call, leave a confidential message for them.
When conducting your coaching call, ensure you are doing it from an environment in which you will be able to totally concentrate and focus (free from interruptions). It is also important that you will have privacy (so you don’t have to worry about anyone overhearing your conversation). It is imperative you say whatever you need to say (i.e., speak your truth)
Coaching is not therapy and you will not be doing any therapy as part of the coaching program. Our focus is getting results in both the present and the future.
Preparing for your first call:
Complete the on-line assessments if you have not already received your assessment questionnaire, you will receive one to complete in order to gather pertinent information to send to your coach.
Feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

Biz Credit Movement Team